Tuesday, 1 January 2013

World's Youngest Serial Killer - Mary Bell

Mary Bell born May 26, 1957
Mary Bell is deemed one of the world's youngest serial killers in history. Although not a serial killer by definition, many feel if she wasn't captured the killings would have continued. She had a tough start in life. Mary's mother tried to kill her on multiple occasions during the beginning years of her life, allegedly trying to make it look like an accident.

Abuse was no stranger to Mary Bell. Her mother, who had Mary at the age of 17, was a prostitute who traveled to Glasgow to work. She was absent from home, spending little to no time with her daughter. When she was there she forced the young child to engage in adult activities with men. The only knowledge Mary Bell had of her mother was the abusive actions towards her.

At the tender age of just 10 years old, one day before her 11th birthday, Mary Bell would commit her first murder. Martin Brown was her first victim, whom she murdered by strangling him to death. Soon after she claimed the life of Brown, Mary and a 13 year old friend Norma Flora Bell (no relation) broke into and vandalized a nursery in Scottwood. They allegedly littered the nursery with letters claiming they were Martin Brown's murderer. This was simply dismissed as a prank as kids will be kids. Soon after the vandalism incident, young potential serial killer Mary strangled three year old Brian Howe to death. After the toddler died, she carved the letter N into his chest, which she would later change to a M, done with a razor blade. Mary then came back to cut parts of his hair off with scissors and used it to partially castrate him.

This young murderer and 13 year old Norma Bell would eventually become captured August in 1968. The trial was set against Mary and Norma, charging them both with two counts of manslaughter. Norma was acquitted of the charges but Mary Bell was convicted of both counts of manslaughter. Prison was deemed inappropriate because of her age and she was too dangerous for a girl's home. She was sent to a boy's home indefinitely.

After serving her time in the boy's home and some time in prison, she was released to the world with a new, unknown identity in 1980. She had a daughter in 1984. When people found out her identity on two separate occasions, she was driven from her location both times. Finally settling in at an unknown location, her daughter grew up and had children. She now lives as a grandmother.

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